TJ Allsky configuration

Today, we've added a guide describing how to configure TJ Allsky to work with your SkyCamOne HAT. We tell you how to set up the different features of your SkyCamOne HAT; Stepper motor for remote focus SHT31-D Temperature and Humidity sensor connected with a QWIIC cable Dew heater We hope...

INDI Allsky configuration

Today, we've added a guide describing how to configure INDI Allsky to work with your SkyCamOne HAT. We tell you how to set up the different features of your SkyCamOne HAT; Stepper motor for remote focus or auto focus SHT31-D Temperature and Humidity sensor connected with a QWIIC cable Dew...

Easy software installation

In order for your experience with your Titan Astro SkyCamOne HAT to be as good as it can be, we've tried to simplify the installation and configuration. Your SkyCamOne HAT comes with a Quick Start Guide. How to mount the HAT on top of your Raspberry Pi is described in...

Presenting our new environmental sensor

This Titan Astro sensor board is based on the famous Sensirion SHT31-D sensor, providing humidity, temperature and pressure readings via I2C (QWIIC) to the SkyCamOne HAT. We've designed this extra small breakout board so it can be easily fixed with a screw or clip. We've placed the sensor in a thin section of the board on purpose, so...