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SkyCamOne HAT FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Via SSH or directly on the prompt (with screen and keyboard), enter the following lines:

					pip3 uninstall -y RPi.GPIO
sudo apt-get install -y i2c-tools libgpiod-dev python3-libgpiod
pip3 install --upgrade adafruit-blinka

You can also choose to run our software installation. See the Software Installation page for details.

Connect the positive lead of your 12 volts power supply (usually red) to the left side of the 12V IN terminal, and the negative lead (usually black) to the right side terminal.

  1. The dew heater needs a little more power. You probably have the Raspberry Pi powered via USB-C, but have not connected any additional power like the 12 Volts in or the Power over Ethernet (PoE).
    Prefereably, do not use the USB-C to power your Raspberry. Your SkyCamOne will provide more than enough power to your Raspberry once you connect either one (12V or PoE) and you will find that the heater works much better!
  2. Did you verify that your dew heater is rated at 5 volts? Many dew heaters are 12 volts devices and will hardly warm up when connected to 5 volts.
    If your dew heater is in fact a 12V heater, you can connect it to the 12V OUT terminal, however it will be always on. Consider this a temporary workaround.

This is because SPI is enabled.

To make sure the correct interfaces are enabled and SPI disabled, do the following;

Via SSH or directly on the prompt (with screen and keyboard), enter the following lines:

					sudo raspi-config nonint do_i2c 0
sudo raspi-config nonint do_spi 1
sudo raspi-config nonint do_serial_hw 0
sudo raspi-config nonint do_ssh 0
sudo raspi-config nonint do_camera 0
sudo raspi-config nonint disable_raspi_config_at_boot 0

There are multiple “flavours” of all sky software. The two most commonly used flavours are INDI Allsky and TJ Allsky.

The above links lead you to their respective GitHub pages where you can download the software and where you will learn how to install and use it.

INDI Allsky

Setting up your SkyCamOne HAT with INDI Allsky

TJ Allsky

Setting up your SkyCamOne HAT with TJ Allsky

SkyCamOne HAT for Raspberry Pi 5

SkyCamOne HAT for Raspberry Pi 5

Quick Start Guide
This is the latest version of the quick start guide as contained with your packaged product.
Download from our GitHub
Connecting your M.2 SSD
A short video tutorial on how to connect your M.2 SSD drive to your SkyCamOne HAT.
Watch on YouTube
Python Test Scripts (October 2024)
A collection of Python test scripts which will help you test all the functions of your HAT.
Download hosted on our GitHub.
SkyCamOne HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B

SkyCamOne HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B

Quick Start Guide
This is the latest version of the quick start guide as contained with your packaged product.
Download from our GitHub
Python Test Scripts (January 2025)
A collection of Python test scripts which will help you test all the functions of your HAT.
Download hosted on our GitHub.

SHT31-D environment sensor

Short (September 2024)
A short video showing the size and layout of this amazing sensor.
Titan Astro SHT31-D environment sensor
Uses I2C address 0x44 or 0x45 (selectable by soldering the address pad on the back)
Dimensions: 14.3mm x 21.3mm x 2.6mm / 0.5″ x 0.7″ x 0.1″
Weight: 0.9g