your gateway to the universe

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We have a mission:

Nevermind your age. Nevermind your education. Nevermind your origins… Everyone loves the sky above. From young to old, from north to south. Our goal is to create solutions that empower everyone. To bring the skies within the reach of anyone.
To democratize exploration and discovery of the universe by creating innovative and accessible astrophotography and astronomy products for all

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Introducing FREE shipping

We’re excited to tell you that we will be able to offer FREE shipping to you, our clients, as of later this week. We managed to get a very reasonable

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Since the first time I laid eyes on the products that Titan Astro is planning to release, I was a fan!
Emilio Fernandez
Technical Director
Thank you. I pleasure to shop with you.
Dave Palachik
National Director Emeritus MUFON Canada
I've been able to play-test the allsky card for Titan Astro and I love it. It has it all, and than even some.
Charles Windshelm
Observatory Technician
If you understand the board, and how many of us have a sprawl of components to support focusers, heaters, SSD storage, fans, then the board is simply all those things in one. The software is the same, Allsky or INDI-Allsky, you run your focuser stepper motor using the embedded ULN2003 controller instead of needing an external one.
Ian Knight
I'm very happy to have owned an order! Thank you very much for your assistance throughout the process! I can't wait to start playing with it!
Evan Beaton
The SkyCamOne HAT is super cool. That would save people a lot of time. There are a few things I don’t have on my camera yet because I did not have space for all the extras.
Barrett Epp
I ran an observatory for a decade using an SBIG AllSky Camera, and I'm sure by now a setup like this with the SkyCamOne HAT will DESTROY it in quality. I'm very interested in this and would maybe want to gut my old SBIG chassis and rebuild something like this in it. Thank you!!
Chris Johnson
SkyCamOne HAT: Take my money, please!!
Jeff Roseman