As of September 1, 2024, the Titan Astro SkyCamOne HAT for Raspberry Pi 5 is available for pre-order.
We are opening pre-orders for the SkyCamOne HAT to raise additional funds and begin building our community before starting production.
The SkyCamOne HAT is still being beta-tested in both our own office and in Pakistan. This will be ongoing for a couple of more weeks. This will also help us to verify and confirm the technical specifications and capabilities before starting the first production run.
We plan to start actual production halfway through October 2024, so that we can ship the first units on November 1st, 2024.
If you wish to contribute to our community by working with us on Github, on a Wiki page or just contribute in any way or form that you can, we would appreciate that greatly! Please contact us via Facebook or via e-mail on